Jual Mini HPLC - Di Bengkulu
High Performance Liquid Chromatograph with UV detector.
- LC-UV with integrated multi-wavelength UV detector
- Equipped with a 20 place autosampler
- Binary pump system
- High pressure HPLC pumps for gradient flow up to 10000 psi
- Integrated degassers and temperature programmable column oven
- Includes laptop with Lucidity Software
The Lucidity LC-UV is one of the smallest, most economical, and robust HPLCs on the market. Equipped with a variable wavelength UV detector capable of measuring signal from 185 nm to 475 nm, the Lucidity LC-UV has a binary gradient pumping system existing of two high pressure piston pumps that deliver accurate solvent gradients up to 10000 psi.
With a 20-position autosampler and integrated degassers the Lucidity LC-UV has everything required to provide great chromatography results.
Delivery information: The instrument comes with everything required for analysis, including: laptop containg Lucidity Software, starter column, full accessory kit and training videos. Self-installable in under 30 minutes. With a 24-month warranty, the LC-UV will provide reliable results for years to come.
Jual Mini HPLC - Di Bengkulu
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